Apply for Membership

Applying for electric service from Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative is very simple. If you live within our service territory, you can apply to become a member/owner of the cooperative. Once that process is complete, we will get your account started.

To check to see if you reside within our territory, please email us at call us at 217-235-0341 or toll free at 888-661-2632.

To apply for service, stop by our office in Mattoon, call us at 217-235-0341 or toll free at 888-661-2632 to request an application by mail or fax.

Membership Benefits

As a member-owner, you have a voice in the cooperative which enables you to vote on bylaws and elect Directors at our Annual Meeting.

Count on Coles-Moultrie as your local energy resource. Whether you’re improving the energy efficiency of your home or simply looking for quick tips, Coles-Moultrie is here to help.

You’ll soon receive complimentary monthly issues of Illinois Country Living Magazine, which includes our The Grid newsletter in the center of each issue.

Building a New Home

Contact our Member Service and Engineering Departments by phone at 217-235-0341 or toll-free at 888-661-2632 to set up an appointment that can help you make the right decisions when it comes to building the home of your dreams. Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative is here to help you make informed decisions on one of the biggest investments in your life.

Visit to explore on ways to save money.