Business Development

Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative is more than just an electric distribution company. We are an important component of the economic development efforts in the communities we serve. Cooperative Principle Seven states that “While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies accepted by their members.” In our area, we know that our rural communities are highly dependent on a few employers that help keep their local economies alive.  CMEC helps support those businesses by offering competitive commercial and industrial rates, and also supporting other economic development initiatives.

USDA Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant Program

USDA Rural Development’s Rural Economic Development Grant and Loan Program promotes rural economic development projects which create and/or save jobs.


  • Business expansions & start-ups, including real estate, buildings & equipment
  • Facilities and equipment to provide medical care including upgrades to electronic medical record systems
  • Community facility projects that create or save employment
  • Educational facilities and equipment including distance learning
  • Business incubators
  • Advanced telecommunications and computer networks for medical, educational and job training services


  • Maximum 10 Year Loans
  • 0% Interest rate
  • 20% Matching requirement

MAXIMUM LOAN: $1,000,000

Contact Rural Development to Discuss Project & Applicant Eligibility:
Mary Warren: 217-403-6218
or contact our office: 217-235-0341