Ways to Save Money & Lower your Bill
In addition to providing reliable and affordable electric service, Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative also strives to promote energy efficiency. Decreasing the environmental impact of power generation and lowering costs benefits both utilities and electric consumers. We have a variety of programs available to help you use your electric service more efficiently.
Load Management
Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative launched its load management program in 1990. The program has grown to include more than 3,970 radio-controlled demand response switches on water heaters and 5,013 on heating and cooling systems. CMEC’s total demand response program, including interruptible contracts, exceeds 18 megawatts (MW) in the summer and winter months. It is estimated that the load management program has saved approximately $3.5 million in energy costs for CMEC members over its long history.
Rebates and Incentives
Coles-Moultrie Electric Cooperative helps you save money on the things that save energy! Right now, get rebates direct from CMEC when you invest in a number of different energy-saving technologies and upgrades, including electric water heaters and insulation.
Renewable Energy
Whether it’s installing a wind turbine or solar panel, Coles-Moultrie supports clean, renewable energy sources. With our renewable energy program, you even have the opportunity to sell back your excess generated electricity!
Please download the forms to get complete information about our renewable energy program and our policies.
Home Efficiency Analysis
Want to see if your home is really that energy-efficient? Touchstone Energy has a home efficiency analysis tool that can help you determine what improvements you can make in your home to improve your energy efficiency. Just provide some information about your home, and this tool will give you some quick tips and fixes to decrease your energy use and costs.